Current availability (school-day and within AL5 only or via Zoom): Tuesday at 9.15am
Current availability (school-day and within AL5 only or via Zoom): Tuesday at 9.15am
1. Invoices are emailed at the beginning of a month relating to sessions taken in the prior month. Payment is required, in full, within 7 days of receipt. If an invoice remains outstanding after 14 days with no explanation, we reserve the right to stop session delivery with immediate effect until payment is received and the session day/time may be offered to a potential client from the waiting list.
2. If sessions are cancelled within 24 hours, 50% of the session cost will be charged and billed for. This is because the nature of specialist teaching means that it is not possible to simply ‘slot in’ new or existing clients when sessions become available at short notice.
3. If two or more sessions are cancelled for reasons other than illness in a term, we reserve the right to offer the session day/time to a client on our waiting list. The nature of specialist teaching means it is difficult to fill sessions at short notice or on an ad hoc basis. It is important that clients attend their weekly session to provide the opportunity for overlearning, continued learning and to ensure progress is made on a timely basis. Although we appreciate that school trips or key events are scheduled on certain dates, these are known well in advance and should also be communicated well in advance, otherwise a cancellation charge will be levied. It is inappropriate to cancel a session for reasons such as your child wishing to participate in a sporting fixture or attend a party.
4. One calendar month’s notice is required, should a client no longer require sessions. This condition applies once a client has worked with Rebecca for three or more sessions. It does not relate to clients for whom a specific number of sessions has been agreed in advance.
5. If a client is late to arrive, it is not possible to extend the usual finish time of the session to accommodate all planned teaching. Although time is built in between each client’s session to write up session notes and prepare for the next client, this time is needed to complete administration without further raising session costs.
6. For new clients, a one-off preparation and design fee is required. This is a minimum of £75 to cover the time and costs involved in liaising with parents to arrange for background information from parents and school to be obtained, and the review of this, the design of the initial session(s) and material preparation, which are tailored to the needs of each client. This fee will be added to the first invoice. Review of additional information such as diagnostic reports and time spent on in-depth telephone consultations will be charged accordingly.
7. While all efforts will be made to accommodate a requested change of day or time for a weekly session, this cannot be guaranteed because generally such a request involves another client agreeing to also change the day and time of their lesson.
8. Price increases will be kept to a minimum but may be required to reflect the additional time that specialist teaching sessions require in terms of individual client planning and the increasing costs of personalised material preparation when compared with standard tutoring arrangements.
9. All additional work performed for clients is subject to a charge to be agreed in advance. This may include but is not limited to: liaison with parents and school outside of the weekly teaching commitment, the review of diagnostic reports, contributions to an EHCP request, the administering and review of psychometric assessments to identify areas of strength or need, detailed telephone calls of more than 15-minutes in duration or emails that provide further parental or school guidance or support and emails that summarise areas covered within a specific session. As you will appreciate, although the aim is always to offer appropriate guidance and support to parents, to ensure the business remains sustainable, charges must be made for time spent on individual client work over and above the weekly session planning and delivery.
10. After certain sessions, it may be appropriate to email parents / carers a brief summary of areas covered. For example, for the first one or two sessions for new clients. However, this is additional work, the time for which is not built into a weekly session’s cost. To minimise fee increases across all clients, should more regular session updates be required, please discuss the possibility of this with Rebecca. No guarantee can be given that this is possible, although efforts will be made to accommodate such a request. This would be an additional service and, as such, additional fees would be charged and billed on a monthly basis to cover costs.
These terms and conditions are subject to change, amendment or update at any time.
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