We offer a range of services including:
- Maths coaching across KS1, KS2 and KS3 curriculum areas to build numerical fluency and confidence in all aspects of number.
- Tuition to support children undertaking KS1 and KS2 Maths Arithmetic and Reasoning SATs papers to consolidate understanding of concepts and ensure accurate application of the most efficient strategies when responding to questions.
- A focus on key mathematical concepts that need to be overlearned to ensure automaticity when applying these. It is important to understand why we are performing a calculation, not simply to be able to apply a process that has been rote learned with little understanding of its purpose.
Coaching across all KS1, KS2 and KS3 curriculum areas to support the development of reading comprehension; spelling, punctuation and grammar; and writing skills. This may include but is not limited to:
- Overlearning phonic units to support word reading decoding and spelling accuracy.
- Learning a range of strategies to develop irregular word reading skills.
- Paired and shared reading activities to improve reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension.
- Development of reading comprehension skills through explicit teaching and practise of higher-level skills such as deduction, inference, prediction and succinct summarising, along with the ability to efficiently extract key information through skimming, scanning, speed reading, annotation and highlighting.
- Teaching of key spelling patterns and rules using multisensory learning methods to develop retention and recall.
- Understanding and application of age-appropriate punctuation and grammar techniques.
- Knowledge building around sentence types and construction to add interest and demonstrate capability.
- Coaching to up-level the quality of written English work through consideration of purpose, audience, language and layout; the design of a well-structured piece of writing at sentence, paragraph and text level; and the inclusion of higher-level SPaG techniques.
- Tuition to succeed in KS1 and KS2 English Reading Comprehension and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) papers.
- Coaching in the use of ICT-based tools to support literacy: MS's 'Editor' and 'Dictate' functions; Google Classroom's 'Spell Check', Speech to Text Software (SSTS) such as 'Dragon Dictate', MS PowerPoint's Mind Mapping tools.
Organisational and study skills
- Support with organisational skills in preparation for the transition to secondary school and beyond. For example, devising a colour-coded filing system organised by subject; using wall planners and Smartphone apps such as 'Notes', 'Reminders' and the 'Calendar' function to plan ahead and create aide-memoires for activities with equipment required.
- Study skills tips and tools. For example, creating knowledge organisers and mind maps to summarise and organise ideas; devising mnemonics to support retention and recall; the 'Cornell' method of note-taking to capture key information and responses to topic questions; the PQ4R and SQ3R techniques to support reading comprehension work.
- Exam preparation coaching. For example, using spaced learning to devise a purposeful revision timetable; verbal rehearsal tools such as the Feynman Technique; revision aids such as creating flashcards and organising these according to the Leitner System; time management in exams.